Vote-by-mail ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections office by 7 p.m. Election Day to be counted and may be returned by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.) or to a Secure Ballot Intake Station located at each early voting location and the Supervisor of Elections office located at 981 NE 16th Street, Ocala, FL 34470, available only during early voting hours. The United States Postal Service recommends that ballots be mailed to the Elections Office at least one week prior to Election Day to ensure they are received timely.
Secure Ballot Intake Stations Locations:
- Marion County Election Center located at 981 NE 16th Street, Ocala, FL 34470 (Note: Due to SB 90 Election Law changes, the 24/7 Ballot Intake Station previously located outside of the Supervisor of Elections office will no longer be available. However, voters may still utilize the Ballot Intake Station inside the election’s office during business hours, M-F 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
- At each Early Voting location, available only during Early Voting hours: Early voting locations, dates and times.
Vote-by-mail ballots cannot be accepted at any Election Day voting location. However, you can surrender your mail ballot and vote in person if you choose.
It is unlawful for any person to physically possess more than two vote-by-mail ballots per election in addition to his or her own ballot or a ballot belonging to an immediate family member. Immediate family members include spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling of the designee or designee's spouse.